Children's Ministries & Bible Institute
Children's Ministries
The Lord has blessed our church with many families who have children of school age or younger. Combined with our three bus routes, it's not uncommon for BABT to have more than 75 children in our Sunday School Department. On Sunday Mornings the ages are broken up into the following classes:
Sunday School Hour
Toddlers (2-3 year old)
Beginners (4-5 year old)
Primary (1st-2nd Grade)
Junior I (3rd-5th Grade)
Junior High (6th-8th Grade)
High School (9th-12th Grade) meets with the Adult Sunday School
Preaching Hour
Toddlers (2-3 year old)
Beginners (4-5 year old)
Jr. Church (1st-6th Grade)
Junior High and High School ages join the adults for the Morning Preaching Service
School Of The Scriptures
BABT takes training servants for Christ personally, and offers our own institute. Ordained Men train those who feel called into the ministry, and any who would like increase their knowledge of God's Word in Doctrine and Principle. The three years of training are broken up into the following course work:
Year One
Baptist Doctrine I & II
Baptist History I & II
Biblical Principles of Bible Study
History of the King James Bible
Exposing The Cults
Year Two
Baptist Doctrine III
Bible Prophecy I & II
Old Testament Survey
New Testament Survey
Bible Preaching
Year Three
Missions I & II
Life of Christ & Paul
Personal Evangelism
Baptist Church Policy
Pastoral Theology