Our Pastor
Pastor Greg McEntire
Bro. Greg McEntire and Mrs. Kay have been laboring for the Lord in Broken Arrow since 1981. Bro. Greg was saved at the age of 6 and answered the Lord's call to be a preacher at the age of 17. Just weeks before attending his first class at Baptist Bible College, Bro. Greg met Mrs. Kay, the daughter of life-long missionaries Ike and Jane Foster. After their marriage and completion of Bible College, the McEntires moved to Childress, TX where Bro. Greg served as an Assistant Pastor for two years. True to his calling, Bro. Greg sought the Lord for direction in starting a new work and the Lord led him to Broken Arrow, OK. Bro. Greg has been the faithful Pastor of Broken Arrow Baptist Temple, since the Lord led him to start an Independent, Fundamental, Bible-Believing, Bible-Preaching, King James Only Baptist Church some 40 years ago!
Asst. Pastor Brenton McEntire
Bro. Brenton McEntire has been a faithful member of Broken Arrow Baptist Temple his entire life! Bro. Brenton is the oldest son of Bro. Greg and Mrs. Kay's five children. Bro. Brenton was saved at the age of 15, and also felt the call of the Lord to be a preacher as a teenager. Mrs. Stephanie was another member of the youth department sensitive to the Lord's leading. She attended Broken Arrow Baptist Temple's School of the Scriptures with Bro. Brenton, after they completed high school. It was during these years of training Bro. Brenton and Mrs. Stephanie were married. Bro. Brenton and Mrs. Stephanie have served in the Bus Ministry since their teenage years. Bro. Brenton is the Bus Ministry Director, as well as a Bus Route Captain. In 2005, Bro. Brenton was ordained, and in 2007 became our Assistant Pastor. God has blessed Bro. Brenton and Mrs Stephanie with seven wonderful children: Avryl (not pictured), Ethan, Renea, Megan, Carolyn, Gregory, and Isaac!