Crossroads Christian Boys Academy
In September of 2007, the Lord called Bro. Bryant McEntire to start Crossroads Christian Boys Academy.
Bro. Bryant is the second oldest son of Pastor Greg McEntire. Growing up in the home of a Pastor, made the reality of decision-making crystal clear. Bro. Bryant watched many young people, even close friends, choose a life of rebellion and sin rather than submitting to God's authority in their lives. It is for this reason, Bro. Bryant feels God has challenged his heart to reach the young men and parents of Local Independent Baptist Churches-young men who's lives, families, and even churches have been torn apart by the Satan's influence.
Since the Fall of 2007, Bro. Bryant and his wife Melissa have dedicated themselves to learning the many facets of operating a Boys Academy. The McEntire's have visited academies similar to the one Broken Arrow Baptist Temple feels led of God to start. The intent is to provide a regimented atmosphere where Godly instruction can be combined with physical labor. Farming, ranching, and gardening will teach young men work ethics, as well as provide some of CCBA's basic needs.
Joining Bro. Bryant and Mrs. Melissa in this ministry will be Bro. Nathan McEntire and his wife Lauren. Bro. Nathan is the youngest son of Pastor Greg McEntire. Within a few short months of God's calling Bro. Bryant to start CCBA, Bro. Nathan felt the Lord calling him to be a partner in that same work.
While this ministry will be a great undertaking, it is ministry greatly needed. Too many of our young men have followed the world down a path, a road, that leads to destruction. They have found their lives in ruin: so far from what God intended-young men who God would have be pastors, missionaries, teachers, and leaders of homes which our churches and country so desperately need. BABT would like to be create a crossroad; an opportunity for young men to change the direction their life is headed.
Please pray with Broken Arrow Baptist Temple and the extended McEntire family as we seek God's hand and God's timing in starting Crossroads Christian Boys Academy. Currently, we are in an extensive search for the right property to begin this great work on!